In 1991 Josep Lladós earned his degree in Computer Science from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and in 1997 he received his PhD in Computer Science from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and the Université de Paris 8 (France).
He is currently a full professor at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) and an appointed researcher to the Computer Vision Center (CVC), from which he is the Director.
He is the leader of the Document Analysis Group which has earned the Consolidated Group status granted by the Generalitat de Catalunya (2009SGR-418).
His current research lines are document analysis, image recognition and the structural and syntactic recognition of forms. He has leaded several R+D projects and has published more than 100 articles in different conferences and international journals. J. Lladós is member of the International Association for Pattern recognition (IAPR) and is the Chair of the IAPR Industrial Liaison Committee. He previously served as Chair in the IAPR Technical Committee on Graphics Recognition (IAPR-TC10) and is member of the IAPR TC-2 (Structural Pattern Recognition), IAPR TC-11 (reading Systems) and the IAPR TC-15 (Graph based Representations). He is also Editor in Chief of ELCVIA (Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis) and member of the Editorial Board of IJDAR (International Journal in Document Analysis and Recognition). Likewise, he has been a program committee member of several international conferences.
On 2007 he received IAPR-ICDAR Young Investigator Award. Josep Lladós has also experience in technological transfer. He is a founding member and president of Icar Vision Systems S.L. which is a spin-off company of the CVC and the UAB. It was created on 2001 after winning the Entrepreneurial Business Projects e-2000 contest, promoted by the Catalonia Government.